Parasites Aliens Fortnite will steal your health and give you strength

Epic will soon release a new life object in Fortnite called Alien Parasites. As the name suggests, these creatures come from alien invasion and stick to players like parasites – but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It seems that these creatures will offer certain ability players that can be useful depending on the situation.

Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 7 starts with an alien invasion. Players get access to futuristic weapons and UFOs, plus there is a giant mothership in the sky. However, that’s the beginning of this invasion, and the alien parasite is one of the next big changes. Players can hope to always find parasites in POI by purple name, and there are probably greater than 50 percent they will also spawn at other random points.

According to Hypex’s data-miner, the parasite will appear as green eggs in the location where they spawn. Creatures will emerge from eggs if you walk nearby, resulting in a group of purple parasites that want to be your ‘best friend’. If someone sticks to you, you will sacrifice health but get ‘enhanced mobility.’

It is not clear whether it is the only ability to be offered by this parasite or if they will offer a variety of different encouragement. Of course, you might not have enough health to sacrifice or may not need abilities, in this case you will be able to remove parasites. This parasite will be reported to have 75 health, while eggs will have 60 health.

Hypex suggests that players might be able to take and throw eggs, which means using it as a weapon against opponents who will lose health. However, it is not clear whether the feature will actually be available or if the alien parasite aspects have been removed.



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