Huawei sent only 14,19 million smartphones The last room

The recent market figures have shown the fall of Huawei of grace in the smartphone market, the majority of the main suppliers of market analysts falling. How much it fell is not always evident, but a new infographic reveals the problems that Huawei experienced in the first quarter of this year. According to the counterpoint investigation, Huawei only represented 4% of global smartphone shipments of the first three months of the year, a massive loss that he considered it was once the number one smart phone brand of the world, even for a brief moment.

The numbers come in the context of performance Q1 2021 of the mobile market, which is good or bad, depending on what you compare it. The smartphone market grew up to 20% in the first quarter compared to the same period of 2020, but, compared to the last quarter of 2020. In general, the industry sent 354.94 million telephones.

If the data of the counterpoint investigation are correct, Huawei only sold 4% of that last quarter, falling behind I live in the fifth place with 10% of the world’s telephone market cake. To be righteous to Huawei, it was also the first trimester after it was sold from his business of honor, which would partially explain the steep decline in sales. That, however, still does not move well for the company.

That makes your recent Harmony 2.0 launches even more critical for the survival of your smartphone business. Reportedly, the own harvest operating system has more than 10 million users, insinuating both the interests in the software and the large number of Huawei phones out there. If you are able to maintain and grow, these numbers will depend on how well the operating system is on its own.

As for the other main brands, Apple saw a bit of decline in its participation globally and in some regions. In Europe, that was enough to give the first position to Samsung, although Apple retains its advantage in North America.



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