How Are Gamers Providing Services and Making a Living in 2021 ?

The world of video games is an ever growing endeavor for both individual gamers, and large gaming communities. Today we are discussing how gamers are turning their life dream of playing video games into a steady monthly income for years to come. We already know of famous streamers, and professional competitive teams putting 10+ hours of practice every day to win the next tournament, but what about the rest ? How are top leaderboard players earning a living that simply don’t want to be famous streamers or part of some paid teams that is sponsored by a third party product ?



Today we are having a talk with Mark, one of the founding members of – a website specializing in providing services in video games for new players that either lack the time, or skills to climb the brickwall that many new players are facing. 

So Mark, tell us more about you guys, when and how did this all started ?
 – Look, the way i see it, we’ve been doing this ever since we were kids. The first multiplayer game we ever played together was Age of Empires 2 back when we were in elementary school, and even then, the only thing we cared about was winning against the other team, so naturally we would constantly think and talk on how to improve our next match. I believe not much has changed for us from back when we were kids. What we do at D3Hell is the same thing we were doing since we were kids, we help people get better at the game, and try to push the meta to the next level by figuring our what works best and what doesn’t when it comes to winning. This applies basically to all games, which is why we worked in over 50 titles over the past 7 years and counting.

How have things changed since you first started doing this ?


– We made our beginnings on various gaming forums and lfg communities, and we are still active on some of those ’till today. Ebay, Epicnpc and Ownedcore are just some of the first few places people started to recognize our work, but at some point we knew we will have to launch our own website and system that will specialize in connecting the average gamer with the professional playerbase. Things today definitely look much different than they did when we first started, back then people felt reluctant on using these services, there was no third party review systems such as trustpilot and similar like it. Obviously today that’s not the case, third party review systems are even investing in A.I. tools that will help prevent fraudulent or fake reviews, and have a custom build systems that ensure the legitimacy of every single order finished.

Ok, lets get to the point, what is the Pro Streamers Program ?


– A tool designed to service new and growing gamers, our Pro Streamers Program is aimed at new and passionate gamers that besides streaming would like to have additional engagements in the form of making guides, provide coaching, and offer many other activities that gamers with little time on their hands can enjoy. We all know the masters rule, to get good at something you need to put at least 1000 hours in it, and to master it takes 10 times that. Well, we aim to cut that 10 fold or more, not everyone is ready to put thousands of hours in the video game they love, people are always looking to completes much work possible in the least amount of time. Even big corpa CEO’s are paying people to read books for them, then have the book explained in a 1000 words or less so they can brag about how well read they are 😀 

There is nothing wrong with it, the key to success after all is productivity vs time spent ratio, so the more you do in as little time as possible is really all that matters.


What are the requirements, how do you decide who gets in and who doesn’t ?


– As with any other work groups, the main thing we are after is talented and passionate gamers with aim to evolve the gaming community as a whole. People are enjoying tournaments, twitch streams and playing games because of the ever changing nature of the gaming world. As players get better at the game, so does the games and the matches played transform on the next level. Take some of the most basic shooter games out there, and how things looked 10-15 years ago. Back in our high school days we had no issue playing with 150-200 ping online, simply because the average skills of any gamer weren’t in the 0.1 second reaction time interval, everyone was slower, the tactics for winning were simpler, yet back then we thought that this is as good as it can get.

This applies for any sport for that matter, not just video games, the more players there are, the higher the competition and the faster the games evolve. Video games today are basically one big neural network with whole brains instead of neurons communicating with each other across the whole world. Our goal is to increase that number of connections and hopefully get people to enjoy it during the process.

What about video game companies, what is their stance on this matter ?


– We really can’t speak for others, but we hope this won’t be a thorn in their eyes. After all video games are designed for people to enjoy their time the best they see fit, obviously as long as they are not damaging to the community as a whole. But for example, when you have a player in Monster Hunter World stuck on the same monster for 3 days without any hope for improvement and going through his 4th controller for that year, is it that bad for someone to step in and offer a helping hand ? Boosting in games such as Apex Legends for example, is intended to help players stuck at the same rank for weeks or months, going in a win/lose circle due to bad teammates and the notorious ELO Hell that your teammates put you in. This is where we come in, asking for help to improve your game is, and was available in all sports in the past, why should it be any different for e-sports ?

What are the plans for 2021, do you have anything specific in mind ?


When it comes to the future of video games, i think only one thing is for certain, more and more players are enjoying them. Besides the obvious, we are planning to introduce several new sections and tools such as the featured streamers program, provide free content in forms of guides and coaching for new players, and fully implement our Fair Order policy which ensures 100% order completion even before any $ is exchanged. What we’ve learned over the past few years is that there is always some course correction of what we have intended, and it is usually imposed either by the gaming community or the developers of the games, but hopefully we can be of service to both.






