5 SEO Tips That Business Owners Must Know

If you own a business and have a website then Search Engine Optimization (SEO) must be a part of your growth strategy.  If you have budget constraints then you are the one who needs to strategize and implement the SEO strategies. A SEO Agency has check these strategize for all Clint before audit any site.

Here are some of the tips that can help you, take a look!

  • Keywords – SEO wise right keywords can help you a lot. There are a couple of good keyword tools that can help you select the right keywords. Some of the tools that I use are Google keyword tracker, SEMrush and Wordtracker. Once you get the right keywords place them throughout your website – include the keywords in titles, content, URLS, meta tags and image names. BEWARE: Do not over-stuff your website with keywords. Google and other major search engines value websites that maintain a perfect balance between keyword usage and quality content. Do an SEO audit of your website regularly?
  • Website Design- One of the most important factors that you must consider here is navigation. Search engines should read and follow the navigational system of your website. If you are planning to opt for flash-based navigational system then think twice! The reason – Google and other search engines can’t read text on images. Also, as more people are accessing web via mobile devices there still remains a question – how many of these devices support flash?
  • Link Building – When building link think quality not quantity. One of the ways to build quality links is finding good communities online which are related to your business. Interact with influencers in the community. Focus on creating viral and big content which is also optimized for search engines. Promote your content to the community (don’t start promoting the content the first day you join the community). This was one of the ways which can help you getting links without asking.
  • Unique and quality prose content – You must have heard innumerable times that good website content is king. So, how do you define good prose content for website? To this question, my answer would be – informative content that helps users, unique and content that’s written for human not search engine spiders. According to useit.com “Users often leave Web pages in 10–20 seconds, but pages with a clear value proposition can hold people’s attention for much longer because visit-durations follow a negative Weibull distribution.” Also, make sure that the prose content is written so that’s easily scanable and readable. Arrange your prose content in numbered or bulleted format. Installing a blog or resources pages is a good way to keep adding fresh and unique content to your website.
  • Social Media – Shares, likes, comments, followers and +1s have an impact on the overall ranking of your website. It’s also good for you that people are talking about your business on these platforms. Tue success for any business comes when people start talking about the business. Social media is a great platform where you can encourage conversations around your business.



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