Top 5 Education Board in India: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some interesting facts on The Top Five Education Board in India. A Boards in India or the School Committee is the title of the board of the directors or the board of trustees of a school, the local school district or higher administrative level. The elected council helps to determine the educational policy in a small regional area, such as a city, county, state or province. It is usually shares power with a larger institution, such as the government’s department of the education. The name of the board is also often used to refer to the school system under the board’s control.
The Local school boards are elected or occasionally appointed to beas the leaders andthe champions for the public education in their states and the communities. The most important responsibility of the school boards is to work with their communities to improve the student achievement in their local public schools. Choosingan education board for the child is one of the most important concerns for the parents. Many of the parents are unaware of the risk involved in sending their children to dubious and unrecognized functional boards of the school education.
Top 5 Education Board in India
1. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

This Board witnessed a rapid growth and the expansion at the level of Secondary education which resulting in the improved quality and the standard of education in institutions. But with the advent of the State Universities and State Boards in the various parts of the country, the jurisdiction of the Board was confined only to states of Ajmer, Bhopal and Vindhya Pradesh later.
As a result of this, in the year1952, the constitution of the Board was amended wherein its jurisdiction was extended to the part-C and Part-D territories and the Board was given its present name as the ‘Central Board of Secondary Education’. It was in the year of the1962 finally that the Board was reconstituted. The main objectives of this education board were those of – serving the educational institutions more effectively, to be responsive to the educational needs of those students whose parents were employed in the Central Government and had the frequently transferable jobs.
2. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations that is CISCE is a private, and the on-governmental board of the school education in India. It conducts the two examinations in India: namely, the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) and the Indian School Certificate (ISC). The CISCE was set up in the year 1956 at the meeting of the Inter-State Board for the Anglo-Indian Education a proposal was adopted for the setting up of an Indian Council to administer the University of the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate’s Examinations in the India.
It is an all-India, but not a government sponsored boardunlike the names of CBSE and NIOS. It is based in the New Delhi. The education board of CISCE does not accept the private candidates, and they must come only through the English medium schools who affiliated to the CISCE. The medium of the examination is the English, except the Indian language paper. At the end of the examination, the marks out of 100 are provided in the each subject and a separate pass certificate is given which containing the equivalent grades like almost in the all other Indian educational boards.
3. Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education that is the ICSE examinations are conducted for the class 10 board examinations, besides the designed for providing the education under the category of the general education and also in accordance with the New Education Policy, in the year 1986 in India with the English as medium of instruction. The Private candidates are not allowed to appear in for the examinations and thus, the candidates are accepted only through their schools, which in turn is affiliated to the CISCE board of education.
The ICSE Board conducts examinations for the class 10th through various associated government and the private schools across the India. The students can find out and download the question papers of History Subject.Also,the students can get information on the updates, marking schemes and the answer sheets of History Examination. In all the subjects and the other than science and the computers students have to submit their assignments because at the end the marks of the student’s performance which include also their assignment marks. The ICSE Board in India is considerably tough than the other boards. The Students cannot be relying only upon the text books, but they need to prepare more.
4. Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education (UPHESC)

The Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education is the biggest examining body in the World, the Uttar Pradesh Board of High School & Intermediate Education started its functioning from the year of 1922. In the state of the Uttar Pradesh a few secondary schools are being governed by the Indian Council of the School Education (ICSE) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), but in the most of the Secondary schools seek the recognition of the UP Board. At thepresent, there are around 9121 secondary schools are recognized by the UP Board of High School and Intermediate Education.
This Board was set up in the year of 1921 at the Allahabad by an act of the United Provinces Legislative Council. It is conducted its first examination in the year 1923. This Board is one in India which is, from the very start, it had adopted 10+2 system of the examination. The first public examination after the 10 years of education is the High School Examination and it is after the 10+2 stage, there is the Intermediate Examination. Prior to the year of 1923, The University of Allahabad was the examining body of these two examinations.
5. The Tamil Nadu State Board (TNSB)

The Tamil Nadu Board of the Secondary Education, established in the year 1910, and is under the preview of the Department of Education, the Government of Tamil Nadu, in India. Up to and the ending at the secondary, class 10 level, the following streams of the education are offered: the SSLC that is (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) stream, the Anglo-Indian stream, which is the Oriental School Leaving Certificate (OSLC) stream and the Matriculation stream. And for the higher secondary classes 11 and 12 there is a single unified stream which is leading to the award of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC).
The Tamil Nadu State Board of the School Examination evaluates the students’ progress by conducting the two board examinations-one at the end of the class 10 and the other at the end of class 12. The scores from the class 12 board examinations are used by the universities to determine the eligibility and as a cut-off for the admissions into their programs. The jurisdiction of the board extends it to the schools located in the state of Tamil Nadu. The Schools can choose to affiliate themselves to the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education or to
the other boards-the CBSE or the ICSE-that are authorized to conduct the secondary (class 10) and higher secondary (class 12) in the final examinations and give the award certificates to the successful candidate.
the other boards-the CBSE or the ICSE-that are authorized to conduct the secondary (class 10) and higher secondary (class 12) in the final examinations and give the award certificates to the successful candidate.
So, these are The Top Five Education Boards in India which has the importance role to extend their programs to the students of 10th and 12th and felicitate them with the awards certificates. If any Queries or Questions is persist then please feel free to comment your view points.