American Airlines removed Black men from flight after odor complaint, federal lawsuit says

American Airlines removed Black men from flight after odor complaint, federal lawsuit says

Three African American men have filed a federal lawsuit against a major U.S. airline, alleging racial profiling by flight attendants on a flight bound for New York City in January. Alvin Jackson, Emmanuel Jean Joseph, and Xavier Veal lodged the complaint in the Eastern District of New York, claiming that American Airlines employees on Flight 832 from Phoenix singled out them and five other Black passengers, subsequently instructing them all to disembark the aircraft without providing a clear reason. The men observed that only Black male passengers were being asked to leave, indicating a pattern of discrimination based on race.

In a joint statement released by Outten & Golden LLP, the men expressed their outrage, highlighting the apparent double standard in treatment based on skin color. They emphasized that such actions would never be tolerated if the roles were reversed. The plaintiffs are represented by Susan E. Huhta, Lindsay M. Goldbrum of Outten & Golden LLP, and Michael Kirkpatrick, Lauren E. Bateman of Public Citizen Litigation Group.

According to the lawsuit, the plaintiffs were informed by an American Airlines representative that they were removed from the flight due to a complaint about an unidentified passenger’s body odor made by a white male flight attendant. When the men raised concerns about racial discrimination, the representative allegedly acknowledged the validity of their claims. Subsequently, the men were allowed to reboard the flight after alternative travel arrangements couldn’t be arranged.

Seeking redress for the distress caused, the plaintiffs are pursuing compensation for emotional suffering, legal fees, and punitive damages aimed at deterring future discriminatory practices by American Airlines.

In response to the lawsuit, American Airlines issued a statement indicating that they take allegations of discrimination seriously and are conducting an investigation into the incident to ensure adherence to their core values of customer care.

Michael Kirkpatrick, representing the plaintiffs, disclosed that a complaint had been lodged with the U.S. Department of Transportation, prompting a response from American Airlines’ customer service department. However, despite efforts to engage with the airline’s legal team, no communication has been initiated from their end.

This incident adds to previous allegations of discrimination against American Airlines, underscoring the need for reform in their training, policies, and employee practices to prevent future occurrences. The plaintiffs hope that their case will serve as a catalyst for change, ensuring equitable treatment for all passengers regardless of race.



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