Post Office investigators saw Horizon victims as ‘enemies’, inquiry told

Post Office investigators saw Horizon victims as ‘enemies’, inquiry told

During the Post Office inquiry, revelations surfaced regarding the treatment of post office operators who attributed cash shortfalls in their branches to the Horizon IT system. Investigators from the accountancy firm Second Sight, tasked with examining concerns surrounding the system in 2013, reportedly labeled these operators as “enemies of the business.”

The draft report from Second Sight, unveiled during the inquiry, shed light on a culture within the Post Office investigation team that leaned towards a “presumption of guilt” rather than a commitment to “seeking the truth.” It highlighted the plight of certain operators who staunchly maintained their innocence, noting that their assertions were overlooked or dismissed during interviews, leading to their alienation.

Flora Page, representing victims of the scandal, pointed out the “needless adversarialism” exhibited by the Post Office’s investigation team, as outlined in the report. Chris Aujard, a former senior lawyer at the Post Office, acknowledged the adversarial approach depicted in the report, though he claimed no specific recollection of his initial reaction to it.

Aujard indicated that while the draft report warranted further investigation, he did not perceive an immediate need for action, considering it a preliminary document marked by heavy caveats. However, he admitted to not pursuing any follow-up actions upon reading the report.

When questioned about the fate of the draft report, Aujard stated that he had read it upon arrival at the Post Office but did not recall taking any subsequent steps. The report’s revelations, coupled with Aujard’s response, underscore the complexity and urgency surrounding the investigation into the Horizon IT system and its ramifications on post office operators.



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