Top 5 Features of Bulletproof cars

If you’re looking for a supercar that’s just a little bit different from the norm, you may have been hearing about the Top 5 features of bulletproof cars. They’ve been making a splash in the high-end luxury car market over the last decade or so and many are noticing they can easily compete with the likes of Lamborghinis and Mercedes-Benzes. One of the most common complaints about these vehicles is their weight. Because they’re literally built to be super strong and bulletproof, you’d think they’d be light as a feather. Well, contrary to popular belief, a bulletproof car is no lightweight by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, bulletproof cars are among the heaviest cars you can find.

But does this mean they’re super strong and completely immune to anything that could go wrong? This is actually a misconception. While some cars are indeed super strong and extremely difficult to blow up (think of the rocket boosters used by space shuttles), bulletproof cars are not at all indestructible. In fact, many manufacturers try to make their vehicles bulletproof as a form of insurance, to protect buyers who might not take proper care when driving.

While it would still be incredibly unfortunate if your bulletproof car was to get shot at or damaged, there are other ways you can protect yourself from thieves. You can buy bulletproof windows, doors and even bulletproof tires, but the most important feature of a bulletproof car is the fact that it’s protected from guns. These aren’t like ordinary windows or doors that will be blown out by the slightest bang, but rather powerful barriers that will keep whatever’s in them from penetrating your body.

While you can certainly use your body to protect yourself in many ways, these features will be most useful if you’re traveling at high speeds. If you’re driving through a city, even a slow speed bump can whittle away at your car and reduce its ability to defend itself. At higher speeds, this isn’t such a big problem, but if you’re traveling at fifty miles an hour, you’ll want to be sure you have the best bulletproof car you can afford. Fortunately, many cars on today’s market have been designed with this very feature in mind.

Bulletproof tires are the most essential, bulletproof cars feature, since they will go through anything you can throw at them. If you get hit by a car traveling at thirty miles an hour, your tires should last you anywhere from ten to fifteen minutes before they start to go to shiver. While you’re in an accident, bulletproof cars won’t stop shooting, either. In fact, it’s possible to run for miles with nothing sticking out from under your bulletproof car’s body, which is why these cars are ideal for law enforcement agents and military personnel.

And finally, as you think about the top 5 features of bulletproof cars, it’s important to realize that they come in all different sizes and shapes. There are sports cars designed to look like trucks or SUV’s. There are sedans designed to look like small pick-up trucks. There are small compact trucks designed to look and act like large luxury sedans. There are even bulletproof cars that have the ability to shoot out foam darts that are tipped with a laser or similar energy technology.



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