Irfan Pathan contact address, telephone number, home address

 IRFAN PATHAN contact address, telephone number, home address detail. Cricketer Irfan Pathan Management Office Address, Manager / Secretary / Ordering telephone number, WhatsApp and private numbers are available here. If you are looking for biographical information and contacts from Cricketer Irfan Pathan such as family, career, weddings, education, height, etc. So, from here, you can get it all.

Do you know about Irfan Pathan? Looking for questions like how to contact him? What is the telephone number or email ID from Irfan Pathan? What is the address of the Irfan Pathan residence? Is he available on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? See this article for the answers available.

Cricketer Irfan Pathan contact details

The following is complete contact information from Cricketer Irfan Pathan, which can help you connect with it.

Phone Number: Not Available

WhatsApp Number: Not Available

Email Id: Not Available

House Address: Vadodara, India

Hometown: Baroda, Gujarat, India

Residence: Vadodara, India

Office Address: Not Available

Booking Agent Phone Number: Not Available

Manager Phone Number: Not Available

Management Email Id: Not Available

Fan Mail Address: Not Available

Academy Address: Cricket Academy of Pathans Private Limited, 11A, First Floor, Lane No.3, Kh No. 258, Westend Marg, Saidulajab, New Delhi-110068, India

Academy Phone Number: 18001207335

Academy Email:

Academy Website:

Stars cannot openly share their contact details, etc. For the sake of their privacy. But fans can follow them on their different social accounts to make contact with them.

Social media profile

In addition to contact details here we provide different social media accounts from Irfan Pathan such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Handles, etc. Fans can stay connected to find out more about him. Fans can also send messages, feedback, comments and reviews to Irfan Pathhan with the help of their social accounts.

Instagram handle: Link

Facebook page: Link

Twitter account: Link

Irfan Pathan Biography & Personal Life

Irfan Pathan is an Indian Cricketer, who plays for the Indian national cricket team. He was born on October 27, 1984 in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. The net wealth of Irfan Pathan is $ 3 million. Is the famous player who plays as a left hand batsman and a quick Bowler left arm.

He made his cricket debut match against Australia on December 12, 2003 and was last seen in the T20 match on October 2, 2012 against South Africa. Irfan Pathhan played for Gujarat Lions in the Indian Premier League.

Irfan Pathhan was born in Baroda, Gujarat, India. His father’s name Mehmodd Khan Pathhan and the name of the mother of Samimlanu Pathhan. He has 1 step brother named Yusuf Pathhan and 1 younger sister named Shagufta Pathhan. Irfan Pathan is married to model Safa Baig. The couple was blessed with 1 son named Imran Khan Pathhan, born in 2016. He is Muslim by religion and horoscope or sun signs is Scorpio.

Irfan Pathan Height 6 ft 0 at (183 cm) and weighing 73 kg (161 pounds). The body measurement is 42-33-13.5 inches. Irfan Pathan Chest size 42 inches, 33-inch waist size and 13.5-inch biceps. He has black hair and brown eyes.

We share about the contact address, Irfan Pathan telephone number, home & other addresses. Please share this post with your social media friends.



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