Twitter’s Brinksmanship Backfires: Fixed to lose legal protection in India

The Microblogging Twitter website, which is in Loggerheads with the Indian government, is fixed to lose its intermediate status in India because it still has to comply with the revised IT regulations effective May 26.

What it basically means that Twitter could now be also responsible under the law for any illegal content (obscene images or impersonation) on its platform as the person who publishes such content. The “Safe Harbor” immunity is no longer available for Twitter because it has been delayed, or even an irresponsible, in the compliance of the Law of the Earth.

As happens, the first case against it has already been deposited at Uttar Pradesh.

Twitter movements fall short of legal requirement

The Government of India has not marked with words when it has given a final notice to Twitter, claiming that non-compliance with the rules will lead to unexpected consequences, including Twitter, the loss of responsibility for liability as an intermediary. .

Yesterday, Twitter said he had appointed a provisional officer and will soon share details with the government. But has yet to appoint three key leaders required by India’s new IT rules as permanent employees. He has appointed a lawyer as an agent of grievance and acting nodal on a contractual basis. But these movements have always fallen into legal requirements.

Twitter had previously stated that it would endeavor to comply with the applicable law, “but asked for time and modify the sections of the rules that inhibit freedom of expression. The government had accused the company to solicit the country’s legal system.

First slapped case against Twitter

In general, perception is Twitter, without complying with the laws and trying to play the victim, use a strategy that is half-intelligent. On the other hand, other social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp acceded to the requirements of the law.

In the event of a problem, the first case holding Twitter responsible for third-party content has been deposited last night in the Ghaziebad of Uttar Pradesh, as part of an alleged aggression on an elderly Muslim man. Twitter was charged in a first information report (FIR). not to delete the “misleading” content linked to the incident. The police stated that a communal color had been given to the incident without verification of the facts and said that Twitter did nothing to prevent the video from becoming viral.

Separately, the Parliamentary Standing Committee of Indians on Information and Technology asked Twitter to appear before him on June 18 and put his views on the prevention of the misuse of his platform.

The micro-bloggers site has about 1.75 crore consumer in India and is an important market for that.



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